Attollo Women’s History Month 2024

| Graphic Design
| Heritage Moments
| Digital Marketing
| Apparel Design


Just wrapped up another phenomenal campaign for Women's History Month at Attollo Prep. This year's national theme was "Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion." This campaign utilized a bright color palette that merged colors commonly associated with femininity, while embracing and reshaping those traditionally labeled as 'masculine', challenging and evolving their connotations. The shapes used are as diverse as the personalities they represent – from jagged edges that symbolize resilience and determination, to round contours that embody nurturing and empathy. We utilized these shapes and colors to create bespoke lockups for each piece of content featuring an individual that we showcased. We were intentional in the typefaces featured in this campaign as we were intentional about highlighting female type designers.

Our in-house team conducted interviews with leaders and entrepreneurs from within our community to amplify women's voices on our platforms. Big shout out to everyone who made time for us to interview them and share their insights: Megan Fessler-McCarthy, Keri Straub, Dr. Amanda Kemp, Jennifer Craighead-Carey, Fran Rodriguez, Marie Cleaves Rothacker, Vanessa Philbert, and Mayor Danene Sorace.

Furthermore, we had the opportunity to curate an incredibly intimate mixer event for our scholars. At this event, our scholars got the chance to meet some leaders from within our community and listen to a panel where they talked about their careers and how they got to the place they are today. Forever grateful to our panelists who were willing to be part of this event: Robin Stauffer, Kiandra Steffy, Keri Straub, and Alyssa Schriver.

And of course, thanks to the amazing individuals who supported, organized, shot, edited, and wrote for this campaign alongside me: Diante Cherry, Adoniyas Shefnie, and Emily Abbruzzese

This content exists on Attollo’s Instagram if you have interest in viewing the live content.


Susquehanna Dance Center


Attollo Black History Month 2024